Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Pain in the...Mouth

Celiac disease is just one of many conditions associated with canker sores, as noted in the nj.com health advice column "Treat mouth tenderly to reduce canker sores" (November 11, 2008).
People with conditions such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or Reiter's syndrome are more commonly affected. Factors that can contribute to the development of canker sores are stress, trauma and deficiencies of iron, folate, zinc and vitamin B12.
Here's a recent study that found that "The epidemiological association found between coeliac disease and aphthous-like ulcers suggests that recurrent aphthous-like ulcers should be considered a risk indicator for coeliac disease, and that gluten-free diet leads to ulcer amelioration." In other words, canker sores can be a sign of celiac disease, and a gluten-free diet can treat canker sores in people with celiac disease.

Do you wonder if you have celiac disease? Before trying to to go gluten-free, seek a conventional diagnosis by consulting with an informed doctor about getting the blood panel used to test for the condition.


Anonymous said...

For me, accidental gluten consumption is generally followed by a canker sore.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I used to get terrible, numerous canker sores before I was diagnosed with Celiac.