Reuters reports that General Mills stock recently increased by 3.6%, with the company optimistic about the months to come.

Sales were up 10 percent in the first nine months of the company's fiscal year, with volume increasing 4 percent.Keep your eyes peeled for more gluten-free Chex variations to hit the market—just check the ingredients to ensure that you're buying the right one.
The company attributed that growth to investments in product innovation. Last month, it introduced gluten-free versions of its Chex cereal brand.
Also, look out for new gluten-free mixes from Betty Crocker, another General Mills concern. If you don't see them and you really want to try them, go ahead and ask your grocer to make room for them! And, if you do see them, feel free to tell us where!!
Thanks to Michael Thorn for the lead to the Reuters article.
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