Saturday, September 06, 2008

Be Prepared!

I admit it: I don't have an emergency preparedness kit. Do you?

We should all have a "go kit" that's actually ready to go. It's not a big deal. Think of it as a way to store certain things—like water, a battery-operated radio, a working flashlight, and gluten-free nutrition bars and vitamins and medications—in one place, just in case. Having a "wheelie" contraption to help you move them around is a good idea too.

So put together a "go kit" ASAP! Don't put if off!!

Here are the recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), no less.

Oh—and Happy National Preparedness Month 2008 to one and all!

Source (0:41)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is soooo true and I've been meaning to write about this too! I'm a slacker too. *sigh*