Two days before the nation bore witness to Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Rosie O'Donnell swigging Redbridge on The View, members of The New York City Celiac Disease Meetup Group gathered to schmooze and enjoy the brew at East Midtown's Hook and Ladder Pub (611 2nd Ave between 33rd and 34th Streets).

According to the Redbridge website, the beer seems to be available for onsite enjoyment at two other Big Apple locations: The Hangar (a gay bar at 115 Christopher St.) and Risotteria. Via a post from Ed on the Meetup message board, I understand that Redbridge can also be found in Long Beach, Long Island at Shine's Bar (55 California Street) as well as the VFW.
Photo: David Marc Fischer
1 comment:
The smile on that girl's face says it all! The A-B Redbridge is rather good, and it has been easier to find than some of the other GF beers I like (like Bard's), and it is also substantially less expensive at the store.
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